Green Sky Media


What happened to Green Sky? Where’s Chris??

It goes without saying that 2020 was a very transformative year for everyone. This was certainly the case for myself both personally and professionally. After over a decade of producing videos for many wonderful and wide-ranging businesses and organizations, it was the right moment to make a leap. Let me explain . . .

In the summer of 2020 my family relocated to Berlin (yes, in Germany) to be here for a family emergency. It was simultaneously a very easy and very scary decision to make. Now with a bit of hindsight it is clear that we made the right choice. My favorite example of this so far is just seeing how fast our daughters have picked up the language and made friends at kindergarten.

Now for the professional side . . . I knew coming over here would present changes and challenges around how Green Sky would operate and what it could offer. I appreciate all the clients who kept in touch and worked with me on projects remotely after our move. In the end, I realized that the primary thing I love about video production is being on set and working with people. So in late 2020 I started looking for opportunities to use my skills here in Germany.

In March 2021 I joined the Easy German team as a video producer. Easy German helps people learn German through street interviews filmed here in Berlin. I was already a fan of this project before I saw that they were looking for a video producer. I have been learning German since Astrid and I met in 2012, and the opportunity to connect this personal interest with my professional skills was just too perfect. The team I work with is absolutely incredible and I am learning new things about production, YouTube, business, and language learning every week.

In addition to producing content for the Easy German channel, I also help other video producers in the larger Easy Languages network with technical production support. I provide in-person and online training, give feedback on early drafts of videos, and generally help with anything camera or editing-related. This part of my role has been another opportunity to get to know great people literally all around the globe.

So what about my clients and friends back in Indiana? If we worked on a project in the past and you need access to something, I won’t leave you hanging! You can always email me or send me a message with this form and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I want to say Thank You! to everyone who has trusted me to help create videos over the past years. I have enjoyed all the projects we have created together and I hope we can connect again in the future. My family and I will be making regular trips back to the States, so if you would like to connect sometime then please stay in touch!

All the best,
