DJI Spark EDC (Every Day Carry): Accessories & Case

DJI Spark EDC (Every Day Carry): Accessories & Case

Dollar for dollar the DJI Spark ( is my favorite drone on the market. It packs advanced features into a powerful, portable package. But it's human nature to want to make something that is good even better. So as you look for ways to improve your drone shots you will inevitably want to add accessories.

Keep it simple.

The entire appeal of this drone is it's compact design. Travel with it. That's what it's made for. Don't burden yourself with so many accessories that you need a gigantic backpack just to bring it all along. With that spirit in mind, below is my DJI Spark EDC (every day carry).

But before we get started, just a quick note: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. I appreciate when you use these links to check out products and I hope that you can see in my writing that I am objective with my reviews. I only write about products I have used  and would generally recommend. I also try to point out every shortcoming I have experienced in a product so you know what to expect before you buy. Ok, let's get to it: 

Spark EDC Packed2.jpg

Let's start with the case ( I love this case for several reasons. First, everything I take along fits like a glove in it. Second, it's budget friendly and was at my door in 24 hours (thanks Amazon Prime!). And finally it has a cool carbon fiber texture to the case. That last part isn't very important but I do like it. The case is supposedly waterproof, which is good I suppose. But really that fact doesn't matter much to me. Maybe I will appreciate it if I take this on an extended kayak trip where I plan to capture some footage . . . hmm . . .

Ok, let's unpack this bad boy:

Spark EDC Unpacked.jpg

As you can see, the Spark itself has the perfect cutout in the center of the case. This fits just like you would imagine and hope for. You know when you put it in there that it will be safe in transit. 

The Spark Remote ( also has a nice home here. This is almost as important as having a snug spot for the Spark itself. You always want to make sure the joysticks are protected - and this does the job!

If you don't have the remote for the Spark you are missing out. I know. I tried to make it work with the phone myself. But in the end I had to buy the remote. If you plan to shoot video with this thing you really should as well. Plus it's much more fun to fly with this video game-style controller than it is with your iPhone. 

Spark Remote.jpg

Next up, let's talk about some of the accessories you may not recognize. A must-have for every drone is a set of ND filters. These help reduce glare and generally improve your photos and videos during sunny days. And let's be honest, when are you generally using your drone?

I picked up this set of filters ( and have been very happy with the purchase. The kit comes with 6 filters: HD-UV, HD-CPL, HD-ND4, HD-ND8, HD-ND16, HD-ND32.

ND Filters.jpg

My experience with these filters has been great, but there are two things I have to mention. First, they attach to the Spark's lens with "suction". This does not inspire confidence. Every time I install one I feel like this could be its last flight. That has not happened, but the thought crosses my mind. Second, this set of filters is advertised as "light weight" with "no gimbal overload". This has been my experience on every flight. However, I let my editor borrow one to try out and he received the gimbal overload warning.

Spark Range extender.jpg

Next up is a bit of an odd accessory. This is the signal booster/range extender ( Of all the accessories in my kit, this is the one I am least sold on. But at less than $10 I figured it was worth a shot. I also had the extra room in the case. So until something more important needs that real estate I will probably keep using it. If I do a scientific test on how well this extends the range I will update this with the results. In the mean time, I recommend picking this up with a healthy level of skepticism.

Lastly, I'll just point out a couple of the last features you can probably glean from the above photos. There are spaces for extra batteries ( I always recommend having extra batteries. There is also a little spot for extra propellers. And the pocket on the top of the case is a great spot for the standard charging cable. 

Well if you made it this far, then I say thanks for stopping by and I hope you found this helpful! Now go out there and fly!

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